Hello! I've always been one to ponder and philosophize, and thought I should have an outlet for these musings. I'm a big journaler, and have used journaling as a way to process my thoughts and deal with tough times.
I grew up homeschooled in a socially conservative, Scientology-based household, in the midwest. This blog is about my gradual shift away from those roots, while understanding where I come from and appreciating that foundation.
I am on a path of nature-oriented and pagan spirituality, trusting my own instinct rather than following a structure.
We have been working toward having children for since getting married in 2018, and it has been a rocky road, with IVf, losses and ultimately working with an egg donor to bring our son into the world. so I've been writing about that too.
It's all an ongoing process, and I write to sort through things, so I am sure my opinions will evolve as we go along.
I live in the Pacific Northwest. Other favorite things include cups of tea, snuggling with furry creatures, and wandering in the forest.